
In Service to Women.

ISLA MAMA translates to ‘Island Mother’, and honours my celtic lineage of the people of Scottish and Welsh origin. The Island of Isla is the southernmost island of the Inner Hebrides of Scotland, and is known as "The Queen of the Hebrides" (the Hebrides are a cluster of islands off the west coast of the Scottish mainland). I am currently creating my home on Vancouver Island. One of the southernmost islands on the west coast of Canada. It is here that I support women in all stages of the womb continuum. I attend women’s births, care for their babies, and tend to their wombs with the devotion and integrity we all deserve. You can learn more about me and my story here.

This space has been created for The Woman.

The woman who is ready, excited, and curious about the depth that her womb story can bring.

The woman who is willing to discover, and stand tall in her truth.

The woman who has faith in God’s perfectly orchestrated design.

The woman who understands the nature of life ~ that birth and death are connected.

The woman who is ready to take full responsibility for her experience.

The woman who craves to be deeply honored and celebrated in the rites of passage woven into womanhood.

The woman who desires to birth the way her baby is calling her to. For this is their birth as much as it is hers.

For the WOMAN in you, awaiting your presence…