Like Birth….Death is a rite of passage.
Loss and death are a part of the wholeness of ones life experience. Together, we can begin to understand the sacredness of the cyclical nature we are all a part of.
This offering is for individuals who are seeking support for loss of the following:
Infant Loss
Terminal Illness or End of Life
Mourning the Death of a Loved One
Every person is so unique in how they wish to be supported and what feels best for them. I will work with you to come to a place that is comfortable and makes sense for your present needs.
Emotional Counselling
Unpacking of grief, fear, shame, confusion, anger, guilt..etc. A safe container to express and process all that is arising, with the hopes to begin healing. This can includes family members/friends/partners if desired.
Comfort & Nourishment
Food preparation, grocery shopping, household tasks.
Ceremony & Ritual
Acknowledgment of loss. Creating something meaningful together, or with the people you love to honour this experience.
Knowing your rights and options for moving through loss and death:
+ Understanding Natural Death & Unmedicalized Journeys
+ Keeping bodies for ceremony (in relation to abortion/miscarriage)
+ Organizing Celebration of Life
+ Resources and Community
Ways I Hold This Space
This care if offered at sliding scale for accessibility to all who desire it.
Times of loss can bring financial challenges due to time off of work, healing, and tending to ones own heart. My services both online and in person are on sliding scale, meaning you can choose what is most accessible to you.
Please note that I will be able to be of deeper and more abundant service if I am also receiving. May we both offer generously with what is available to us and may you be held in the fullness which you deserve.
Sliding scale $40-$120 per hour
*Half day in person visits available.